Significant Insignificance

If you are truly able to see how insignificant you are in this universe, you will understand how significant your life really is.

-Clint Dunham

13 thoughts on “Significant Insignificance

  1. Good point, and its significance diminishes in proportion to how much of the vast Universe we compare against that dot.

  2. We are all less than specks in the whole scheme of things – It is good to be reminded of our place now and again.
    I wrote a post about this too. It was one of ambition. I wanted to graduate from being a speck to being a dot so that people could see me. I see now that it is impossible :))

    Lesley Fletcher

    • Hi Lesley, we are all joined to create the power and energy of the speck. The fact that is even visible is amazing. You can become a dot! lol, when you are in a room and you light one candle, someone lights their candle from your candle and so on, from utter darkness there comes illumination. 1 light, 1 person, 1 love shared is amazingly powerful and more than just a speck.

  3. I was just contemplating this very concept (love that sagan quote so much by the way), right, before I staggered onto this post. I was gaping at an image of a runner in a big city. She was pummeling away with all the life and vim in the world, it seemed, her feet pounding that endless slab of impenetrable concrete, the indifferent whir of cars roaring above her, the endless cycles of the river rushing alongside, great skyscrapers, with their cubicles waiting to be filled, businesses humming away, a whole city, so endless, so cold and stolid, and there was that tiny human being all alone, running with such a passion, along that isolated path. That city would go on humming long after she is gone- buildings would continue to stand bleak and lifeles, but then….suddenly it struck me how it would vastly never be the same. Never again, that moment, her running there, captured in time, never could it repeat itself. Time touches all those things. The cycles of life humanizes even the great city. Even skyscrapers change over time, shift, erosion, movement of the earth, disasters occur….nothing will ever truly be as it is in that moment. This compilation of human beings all working together, this city suddenly started to feel alive, and finite too…and my thoughts began to expand beyond, to the insignificance of earth, and yet, how siginificant and astounding that made it all seem…that as minute as each little life is, how unique it is, how purposeful it becomes, because of that insignificance- it seems almost miraculous. Oh I’m babbling incomprehensibly today. Excellent post!!

    • That gave me goose bumps! It is amazing how you were able to expand your mind so vastly by contemplating a picture of a runner. I’m not too sure how this quote I heard went, but it was something along the lines of learning a thousand things by just one experience. You my friend seem to have that down to a T. You are an amazing babbler lol! Everything you write is so vivid and clear, you literally paint a picture with your words. You never cease to amaze me with your comments!

      I hope all is well!

  4. That’s well said… I’ve always said that we’re all just tiny specs that’s part of a greater whole… that more often than not, we need to get over ourselves so we can step back and see the bigger picture. When we take things personally – I think we miss out on the beauty of life and we stop ourselves on our tracks before we gain insight.

    • Thank you! I actually just discovered him on amazon a couple weeks ago and have already read three of his books lol. I highly recommend reading his stuff. Thanks again for checking out my blog!!

    • We do have a couple of winning minds! It’s so weird that you showed me that because I just had an experience of synchronicity after reading that. Someone was literally just telling me about that. I love when that happens lol!

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