Thank “YOU”

Today marks week number two since the creation of my blog! I am completely blown away by the number of people who have followed, read, and shared their thoughts with me, not to mention all the new friends I have made! So this is more of just a THANK YOU to everyone who has done so. You all have no idea how much it means to me to hear all of these amazingly generous comments. You have inspired me more than you will ever know, and for that I am truly grateful. I look forward to reading more of what you have to say, oh and I guess I look forward to writing more as well. ;D

Thank you again so much for reading, I’m not lying when I say how much it means to me.

I hope all is well,



Waves flow freely, they really have no general direction in where they are supposed to go. They flow with each other, they flow away from each other, they flow against each other, and maybe comeback come back to flow together once more. There’s no stopping a wave, or trying to force a wave to go into another direction. There is only letting the wave take its course, and flow to wherever it may lead.

We are like the waves of the ocean. We all have our own journey and course that we are set on. We drift together, we drift apart, we may flow again once more, we may not. Trying to go against the current will only create disruption. No matter what, every person you meet is an experience of life, it can either be good or bad, it’s all in how you look at it. Sometimes it’s meant to last for a brief moment, sometimes it’s meant to last forever. Whatever the case, you should never try to force something. If you are forcing, you are going against the natural flow, which will only cause turmoil.

If something wasnt meant to be, then it wasnt meant to be, simple as that. Dont try to force anything, just find what feels natural and go with it. Life shouldn’t be difficult, it should move along smoothly. Just follow what feels right and you will end up where you need to be.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my post. If you have anything at all to add, I would love to hear!

Thanks again,


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The Monk, The Woman, and The River

(Zen Story)

Two traveling monks reached a river where they met a young woman. Wary of the current, she asked if they could carry her across. One of the monks hesitated, but the other quickly picked her up onto his shoulders, transported her across the water, and put her down on the other bank. She thanked him and departed.

As the monks continued on their way, the one was brooding and preoccupied. Unable to hold his silence, he spoke out. “Brother, our spiritual training teaches us to avoid any contact with women, but you picked that one up on your shoulders and carried her!”

“Brother,” the second monk replied, “I set her down on the other side, while you are still carrying her.”

Bottomless Void

The society we live in today is run by the media and advertisements. They tell us what we should wear, what we should be buying, where we should be buying, and what we need to do to fit in, or be happy. They tell you that some external object or possession is the key to happiness, and we all know that’s just not the case, or do we? In a consumer based economy it’s all about “gettin that money”. We have this void that we think can only be filled by outside or material possessions. We get a temporary “high”, but that slowly fades away, and then it’s on to the next “high”.

By being the extreme consumers that we are, there is a huge demand for natural resources to keep up with us. The earth is being destroyed at a rapid pace and it’s as if no one realizes it. On top of that, products are no longer being made to last and they’re made faulty on purpose! Why you ask? So you will come back and buy more! It’s no longer about the well being of the consumer, or the people who build the products, which by the way in some cases are practically slaves, it’s the tyrants at the top who are profiting.

People need to start focusing on what they have and be appreciative of it. If you are reading this post, you already have it better off than 80% of the world’s population (material possession wise). The joy of living cannot be filled by material possessions, don’t get me wrong do quite enjoy them, but you have to cultivate your own joy and happiness. YOU are the only person that can make YOU happy if YOU choose to do so. Don’t let the media or some mind numbing reality TV show tell you how to be happy and lead your life, because they are not you! You already know how to, everyone does, you just need to let it happen.

Don’t live your life trying to fill a void that can never be filled. Live your life as if you already have everything that you could ever want, then the void cannot exist.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you have anything to add on or say, I would love to hear.

Thanks again,


Exercise your Gratitude!

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seems to be going just fine, but you are just in an off mood, and can’t find any joy with anything? I think we all have, and if you haven’t good for you! When I’m in that mental funk, there is always one thing that makes me feel better almost instantly! It’s an exercise that I read awhile back, of course I can’t remember where I read it, but it works. All you do is go over in your head everything that you are grateful for. I just list everything from my family, down to the shoes that I’m wearing, and say I’m grateful for…… before each thing you list. When you show gratitude and are thankful for everything you have, it helps show you that you have everything you NEED. It brings about a certain completeness, and with that comes peace of mind and joy.

Thanks for reading! I hope it helps, If you have anything to add-on, or anything you want to say, I would love to hear!

Thanks again,


Similar Blindness

You can become blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this miracle.

– Paulo Coelho

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Stop, Look, Enjoy, You Won’t Be Sorry.

It’s amazing what you pass up in life without even realizing it. We go our lives day by day, not taking the time to just stop, and look what’s around us. There are so many amazing and wonderful things hidden in plain sight, if you just take the time to look at them. People are so caught up the their heads, worrying about the past, or stressing about the future. The past no longer exists and the future is only a made up projection of past experiences.  We all need to learn to live in the present moment, to get the most out of life.

If you feel that someplace looks interesting STOP, go check it out, it could lead to someplace amazing, or lead to an astounding experience. You should always learn to listen to your gut feeling, or that voice in the back of your head. When you learn to listen to your gut, its like listening to your higher self that knows all. It’s going to lead you where you need to be in that present moment.

This blog post idea came to me while I was riding my bicycle through a neighborhood that I’ve road through dozens of times. I would always pass this one interesting looking path that stuck out at me, but never decided to check it out. Turns out there was a small lake right on the other side that I never knew about! It was dusk, the clouds were filled with spectacular colors, and behind me was thunder and lighting. It was a feeling that could only be understood by experiencing it. You know the feeling. After I left that astonishing place, that I will be sure to visit again, I was riding through a golf course and the only person that I encountered was a friend. Had I not stopped to follow that voice, I would have never of had that experience, or ran into my friend.

By listening to your gut, and really learning to focus inward, life sets you up with amazing situations you would never expect. You just need to be in the present moment, and go down the paths that are presented to you, because they will always lead you to where you need to be.

Thank you so much for reading! If you have anything comments or anything to add-on, I would love to hear what you have to say.

Thanks again,


Breaking the Threshold of Passion

In life we are always on the search for something more. At times you may not know what that something is, and it can cause unease and frustration. Other times it may be the feeling of being lost, and not knowing which direction to go. One thing that I have been searching long and hard for, is my passion. I have tried many different outlets trying to find a passion and haven’t really gotten too far with it. So I started a blog…

Its amazing what happens when you least expect it. I’ve been wanting to start a blog for a long time, but i had never really known what it was about. It’s so much more than I could have ever imagined. Being able to write down your ideas and share them with the world has such a freeing effect on my mind. It’s as if an ominous invisible weight have been lifted. I even learn more about myself, learn things I could have never imagined, just by writing them down. When you write it down, and bring your thoughts into the physical world, you see them from a different perspective. When looked at through a different perspective, you can learn so much, just from one idea or thought.

Being able to read other like-minded people’s ideas, has also had a large impact. It’s amazing what people can discover on their own, and what you can learn from their experiences. You can learn from other people’s mistakes, or further yourself by their success. When someone decides to leave their thoughts and feelings on what you have said, it truly is a feeling of pure joy. It’s amazing how inspiring a few little words can be.

The mental barriers that we create in our minds, and let other create for us, can be treacherous. They only exist because we allow them to exist, or don’t know they exist in the first place.. We could have barriers that barrier other barriers and not even know it. Sometimes all it take to realize this, to free yourself. A simple sentence that shows a different perspective, could reveal these non existent monsters. Or other times you’re pushed to the brink and come crashing through the barriers. But once it happens, you realize how ridiculous the binds were in the first place. But once you break that threshhold all is realized, the barriers are destroyed, and can no longer exist.

So what I have done is found a passion in writing, and broken through my threshhold of passion.

Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoeyed it! If you have any comments, advice, or anything you want to add I would love to hear! Getting feedback really helps me learn and it gives me inspiration, so it would be much apprectiated!

Thanks again!

The Name Is Aurelius, Marcus Aurelius

“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

-Marcus Aurelius








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The Day of Fri..

Good morning and happy Friday everyone!! Today marks, I believe day five since the birth of my blog, but who’s counting.. In these short five days my blog has exceeded all expectations that I’ve had for it! I’ve talked to amazing people, heard nothing but great things, and have already learned so much! So thank you all so much for you comments, likes, follows, or even just reading what I have to say. You all have no idea what it means to me, well maybe you do since you have a blog as well, but still, it means a lot! I look forward to hearing more of what you have to say so please tell me what you think of my blog. Good, bad, amazing, horrible, or maybe the best thing since sliced bread, I just want to hear what you have to say, because I still have a lot to learn!

Thanks again for reading, I hope you have a great rest of your day!


Dead End…

If you feel that you have hit a dead end in life, or with whatever it is you are focusing your energy on. Look for knowledge to better yourself, or for knowledge to better whatever it is you are doing. There will always be something you can do better, and by doing so you will discover something more, that you may not have known existed.

When one door closes, many others open. Quit focusing on the closed door and find the open one!

Thank you so much much for reading! I’m new to writing and even more new to blogging. If you have any tips, advice, or feel like commenting about my post I would love to hear what you have to say!

Thanks again!


“Unsurpassable Weakness”

In the world, there is nothing more submissive and weak than water. Yet for attacking that which is hard and strong, nothing can surpass it.

The way you can go isn’t the real way.
The name you can say isn’t the real name,
So the unwanting soul sees what is hidden,
And the ever wanting soul sees only what it wants.

If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich.

No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.

All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small.

The journey is the reward.

When you stand with your two feet on the ground, you will always keep your balance.

(Taoist Proverb)

Zeitgeist: The Movie


If you were to ask me what one thing has changed my perception on the world as we know it, more than anything else, I would tell you that it was this movie. To make the world a better place, you must first know what is really going on. Once you know what is really going on you can better yourself, in return bettering the world. We are controlled and most don’t even realize it, in order to break this control, all it takes is awareness. I view our society as being closed in a dark room, and we are all little bulbs with out lights off, light being our awareness. The darkness can only remain with the lack of OUR light. But when enough bulbs finally turn on, the darkness can no longer remain.

I hope you found this movie as fulfilling as I did! I know its long but trust me, it is well worth watching!

There are actually two more movies if you’re interested in learning more!

Thanks for reading!
